HR insights: bridging the language gap in international employment
Managing an international workforce involves various specialist tasks, such as declaring taxes to foreign administrations, monitoring complex labour laws and elaborating attractive reward systems. That’s why most companies outcource these error-prone tasks. Both local and global HR providers can make a big difference, but remember to make well-considered choices. If you’re looking to truly bridge literal and figurative language gaps, a global partner with vast local expertise is your go-to option. Here’s why.
#1 A familiar spoken language
German, French, Dutch, Luxembourgish or just plain English? Whatever your language preferences are, set them aside. In an international context, you’ll have to adjust to other parties. Do you see yourself navigating France’s Code du Travail, Belgium’s ruleset for blue-collar and white-collar payroll systems or Germany’s six tax categories? If the answer is not a wholehearted ‘yes’, it’s time to look for a Plan B. Or more specifically: to look for an HR provider that can be a go-between.
Our added value
SD Worx provides payroll solutions as well as legal, tax and other support in English, while many of our consultants also speak other languages. Moreover, we can take care of all official communication with governments. That way, you can focus on value-adding activities and not on dictionaries.
#2 A thorough understanding of local HR
International employment also requires you to master the local HR context – an additional language gap. Which type of contract best serves each employee? Can you offer them the right digital tools? What are the country-specific expectations for compensation? And do you fully understand all sectoral agreements that apply to your company? These are just some of the questions that are crucial to your success. You’ll need an HR provider with the answers that suit your size, sector and experience, and can grow with you.
Our added value
After 75 years of experience, SD Worx deeply understands the struggles you are dealing with and the goals you’d like to achieve, independent of your size or core business. Our diverse team of consultants will help you overcome all possible obstacles and hit your targets, step by step.
#3 A harmonised way of working
If you team up with local players in your markets, you have to rely on a variety of HR providers to fulfill the unique in-country needs of each international employee. Entrusting all these vendors with your foreign payrolls and administration is a huge mountain to climb for any HR administration, no matter the size. Moreover, each local HR provider has a different way of working, reporting, communicating and invoicing. Again, this can create a tower of Babel for your HR.
Our added value
As Europe’s leading HR service provider with offices across the continent, our service level is unparalleled. We operate globally, but have strong local expertise. To top it off, we offer our customers one communication tool, one collaboration agreement and one way of working.