To learn more about SD Worx and its Power of Payroll campaign, download its white paper on unlocking the power of payroll here.

Give Your HR Team a Holiday with Payroll Technology
Is your HR and payroll team feeling the heat this summer? With the weather heating up, most of us want to get out and enjoy the sun or escape on a holiday. However, with more staff members out of the office, this can mean that the payroll team might be running on reduced numbers. And, typically, less team members results in a higher workload for those in the office. This is where HR and payroll technology can help, giving HR teams a well-deserved summer holiday.
It’s always important to embrace the latest technology, but in the summer months, payroll technology is especially powerful. Payroll professionals can use technology—from automation and artificial intelligence to voice-enabled assistants—to minimize manual processes. With less mundane, manual tasks to complete, HR and payroll teams can reduce any human error and save time. In addition, the digitalisation of payroll tasks allows for quicker access and analysis of data, alongside flagging any patterns or issues that it has identified in workflows or processes.
For example, HR and payroll technology can automate various tasks, such as reviewing employee statistics and trends (including staff training, attrition, and sickness). By doing this, the technology enables HR and payroll professionals to focus on the tasks that require emotional intelligence and strategy that automation can’t be applied to.
As well as freeing up HR and payroll professionals, the automation of the back office also allows for better business decisions to be made, providing more informed forecasts within the organization. HR, as well as being about human empathy, can also benefit from data to empower insights when it comes to making decisions affecting the business. HR and payroll teams can therefore embrace the power of payroll and move payroll data into the boardroom.
The automation of back office tasks can save HR and payroll teams crucial time, ensuring that the important tasks (running payroll at the end of the month, for example) are always taken care of while allowing the teams to enjoy the summer too. Using the right technology can help automate the manual tasks, freeing up payroll professionals to either direct their attention to more meaningful tasks or take that well-earned break without disrupting the distribution of the organization’s payroll.
Using these technologies, and/or outsourcing to a provider using the latest technology, increases the department’s efficiency, cutting out the time-consuming admin tasks required to run an HR and payroll department. Fewer admin tasks means more time—something every HR and payroll professional will welcome in these hot summer months, whether in the office or on holiday.