There are many benefits to contracting a payroll provider that protects your data with great care:
#1 Regulatory compliance – By engaging a payroll provider with an ISAE 3000 attestation for GDPR, you are able to provide evidence yourself that you have chosen a reliable processor.
#2 Contingency plans – In case of an incident, you can trust your partner will take timely and appropriate steps to mitigate risks and to inform you of the incident.
#3 Trust and assurance – An attested payroll provider is confident of the effectiveness of its security and privacy controls, implying a high regard for trust.
#4 Continuous improvement – HR and payroll providers will want to keep hold of their attestation. They will therefore ensure their security and privacy controls remain effective as from day 1.
#5 Internal support – You’ll more easily convince HR outsourcing sceptics in your organisation if you can counter their data security argument with solid proof of best-practice behaviour.
#6 Independent stamp of approval – ISAE 3000 auditors have extensive expertise in information security and data protection, so their fact-based approval confirms a service provider’s compliance claims.