Non-recurring cost
Restructuring cost and integration costs amount to 3.7 million euro and have increased by 2.1 million euro compared to 30 June 2021, mainly as a consequence of the integration and rebranding of Aditro, Launch! and GlobePayroll into SD Worx.
Acquisition and transaction costs amount to 0.4 million euro and are mainly related to the acquisition of HRPRO in Croatia, which has been closed in July 2022, and earn-out remeasurements.
The cost of non-committed share plans for the group management is spread evenly over a vesting period of three years. The increase of 1.8 million euro is related to the share plans issued in July FY2021 and the recently issued employee share purchase program. The employee share purchase program provided the unique opportunity to every single employee of the group to acquire share certificates of SD Worx with a limited discount to its share price. The employee share purchase program is an equity-settled plan, because it is the group’s majority shareholder WorxInvest that has the obligation to repurchase the share certificates. Please note that as of FY2022, the group considers a part of its share-based compensation (0.7 million euro) as recurring. The recurring share-based compensation cost has been included as a staffing cost in operating expenses.
The profit from business and asset disposal mainly results from the sale of the shares of SD Worx Real Estate NV to WorxInvest, SD Worx’ majority shareholder. SD Worx Real Estate NV is the owner of office spaces in Belgium used by the group and third parties. SD Worx entered into a leaseback agreement for most of the disposed office spaces.
It should also be mentioned that the international celebrations of the 75-year anniversary of SD Worx (0.7 million euro) have been normalized as other non-operating expenses.
Depreciations and amortizations
Depreciations and amortizations on tangible and intangible assets of 26.7 million euro have been recorded per 30 June 2022 and are mainly related to the group's important and continuing investments in digital solutions (12.5 million euro), the depreciation of leased right-of-use assets such as rented buildings and company cars (11.8 million euro) and the amortization of intangible assets acquired in business combinations (2.4 million euro). The increase in depreciations and amortizations are largely a consequence of increased investments in digital solutions, the leaseback agreement with SD Worx Real Estate and the amortization of acquired intangible assets from business combinations, such as brand names and customer relationships.
Financial results
The financial result per 30 June 2022 amounts to -4.2 million euro, mainly due to the interest costs of the subordinated 80 million euro bond issued in June 2019, the committed 125.0 million euro revolving credit facility, financial charges on lease liabilities and unrealized foreign currency losses on cash pool solutions.
The financial result decreased by 1.2 million euro, mainly as a result of the incurred foreign currency losses. Remark that the group has restructured its capital structure in the course of 2022 when it agreed on a capital reduction and share-buyback program for a total amount 272.9 million euro. The proceeds from the capital reduction remain largely unpaid as per balance sheet date. A limited interest expense of 0.3 million euro is charged on the outstanding payable resulting from this transaction.
Tax charges decreased by 9.4 million euro from 11.4 million euro to 1.9 million euro. The strongly decreased effective tax rate is mainly a consequence of the tax exempted capital gain realized on the sale of the shares of SD Worx Real Estate to WorxInvest and deferred tax assets recognized on fiscal losses carried forward in view of the positive results of the group.
Net result
The net result, recorded at 53.7 million euro per 30 June 2022, increased significantly in relation to the same period last year due to the aforementioned increase in operating profit, the sale of SD Worx Real Estate NV and the decreased effective tax rate.