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Digital Workplace - Step 3: productivity & growth

After streamlining your HR processes and enhancing the user experience, the next step is to shift your focus towards work tech that fosters worker growth, engagement, and productivity. This includes learning and development programs, well-being and skill mapping apps, collaboration platforms, and more. By providing the right tools, employees can perform tasks more effectively, grow professionally and personally, and ultimately increase organizational productivity.

    Why prioritizing work tech is key to building a modern digital workplace

    By creating a digital workplace equipped with the right tools, employees can perform tasks more effectively, develop professionally, and grow personally, resulting in a more productive organization overall.

      Which benefits determine tech’s ability to empower people?

      √ Integration into the flow of work: HR should be a feature of work, not a distraction. Employees want to access HR services where they are, not where HR wants them to be.

      √ Covering the entire employee lifecycle: an effective ecosystem goes beyond transactions, as it also covers onboarding, L&D, well-being, career coaching and other employee-focused domains.

      √ A consumer-grade experience: by prioritising the human aspect, employees no longer have to be techies to benefit from all the software in their organisation.

        Who can benefit from HR tech that empowers employees and gets the job done?

        This step requires a certain level of digital maturity, a long-term vision and a workplace culture that embraces change. Because of the significant investments, human-oriented digitalisation is mainly applied in larger organisations. There, the right tech can enable deeper connections between employees, and with the organisation. However, an increasing number of tech vendors are offering affordable solutions for SMEs as well.

          Increasing productivity & growth with tech_Joke Van Gestel Telenet

            Aiming for productivity and employee growth: enough or not?

            At a certain point, you’ll have quite a range of transactional and work tech in place. Chances are that this will result in a scattered tech landscape and a digital overload, neither great for the employee experience. The solution lies in seamless and intelligent integration, while alignment with the worker’s journey is also key.

            Less than 4 in 10 European organisations claim that they’ve already reached high or full integration between HR applications, so there’s still a lot of work to be done:

              Assessing the level of HR integration in Europe

              Visual Blog Extract4 step3 blog

                Tips to increase worker productivity and growth with HR tech

                √ Spread your vision on HR tech: describe what the future looks like for your employees. It should entail a plan that aligns with both your company’s and employees’ aspirations.

                √ Integrate tech in the flow of work (and life): employees nowadays want to access HR services through tech solutions where they are, not where HR wants them to be.

                √ Collect feedback to optimise the overall employee experience: HR digitalisation is no straight line to success. Regularly check in with your employees to detect points of improvement.

                √ Share success stories: your HR tech stack’s most credible ambassadors are its users, so find people who’ll vouch for your claims by sharing their experiences.

                  Check out our 4-step guide for more tips!

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