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Hiring & onboarding employees

The million-dollar question in every HR department: what’s the best way to hire the right talent and to smoothly fit them in your organisation? Lots of opinions on this topic, so to help you make choices, we’ve listed our best-read publications on hiring and onboarding employees below. Use them to your advantage.

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autism image

Autism at work: changing the perspective

SD Worx and Autimatic jointly contribute to a more inclusive labour market for people with autism spectrum. A chat about autism and how to change perspectives.

By Annette Ergenzinger3/31/2023
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Adessa is now SD Worx SAP solutions

New year, new name.

This year starts with an exciting change for us. Adessa is now SD Worx SAP solutions and will be a fully integrated member of the SD Worx family.

The SD Worx SAP Solutions offering is now available on the SDWorx.com site. Stay tuned to discover all the SAP content on SD Worx websites going forward!

What a way to start 2023! Let's spark success together.

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What is the Future of Work and How will Jobs Change?

When we talk about the future of work, the concept of work and an employee's role within the company are constantly evolving.

Recently, we had the chance to speak with Arjen van Hooydonk, HRIS (Human Resource Information System) Solution Architect at SD Worx SAP solutions, about the future of work and how he thinks that jobs will change in the future. The future of work explains how work will evolve over the next decade because of technical, generational and societal transformations.


Flipping the funnel in recruitment

With so many companies struggling to fill their vacancies, one would expect them to scour all possible touchpoints with employees to become more attractive. However, this isn’t the case for the majority of European companies. ‘A major opportunity lost’, says Veerle Coffé, Marketing and Communications Director at SD Worx Staffing Solutions Belgium.

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Why artificial intelligence is the next wave of HR recruitment

Why AI is the next wave of HR recruitment?

The life of a recruiter is not an easy one tending to sway from feast to famine quicker than you can say ‘CV’. Throw in increasing pressure to find and acquire the best candidates, the labour intensive process of candidate screening and constant macro economic disruption from events like the financial crisis, Brexit and a pandemic, you start to get a picture of the challenges involved.

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How SILVA Medical Improved their Recruitment process and Candidate Experience through HR Digitalisation

As the healthcare industry in Belgium is mature and there is a war for talent, SILVA Medical, a Belgian hospital group, faced issues in its recruitment processes and candidate experience. The non-profit has always had strong assets in terms of attracting talent, but these were not highlighted, and its communication left room for improvement. The HR department wanted to catch up with a delay in the digitalisation of the organisation

2 werkende vrouwen

Show your employees what they really earn

Offering an interesting and competitive pay package, but not highlighting it afterwards, is a bit like a rainbow in the dark. As not even half of employees regularly look at their payslip, many will undoubtedly lose sight of what they actually earn.

How payroll reporting can power-up your staff planning

Simple steps to efficient staff planning

It sounds too simplistic to say that your workforce is the beating heart of your company, but it’s true. However, many businesses don’t practice strategic human resource (HR) planning. So why is staff planning so important?

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